Kaigai Corporation Aircraft and Avionics | Aircraft Radio Maintenance and Registered Inspection Service | Defense and Communications



    In 2012, we became a member of Tcompliance (former TRACE International), and we have renewed our membership every year since then.

    Tcertification ID : TC406-2485

    Tcompliance is a U.S. non-profit membership organization that conducts qualified assessments of compliance with anti-bribery-related laws and is comprised of numerous companies that emphasize compliance with the law as a basic policy in business.

    For details, please refer to the Tcompliance website.

  • ISO 9001:2015

    Our ISO 9001:2015 recertification audit has been approved!
    We will continue our efforts to maintain and improve our QMS to ensure customer satisfaction.

    Scope of certification: Sales of Aircraft components and systems for Military Aircraft and its derivatives

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